essential documents for a successful trip

The essential documents for a successful trip

Planning ahead and anticipating administrative formalities is essential if you want to travel with peace of mind. However, it can be difficult to find your way around, as requirements differ from one country to another. Class'Park, your car park near Roissy, presents the essential documents you need to bring with you for stress-free travel.

Check your identity documents

Depending on the country of destination, a passport is not compulsory for travel. For a stay in a European Union country, the presentation of your identity card will suffice. This document is now valid for 15 years and is issued free of charge to all French citizens. However, it can take a long time to obtain, so you should apply at least 1 month before departure.

Passports are mandatory fora trip in a country outside the European Union. In France, applications for this document are generally submitted to the town hall. Some towns also set up counters equipped with a registration station to record the application.

A passport is valid for 10 years for adults and 5 years for minors. It takes between two and three weeks to obtain a passport, depending on the period and the place of application. This period tends to be longer during the holiday period, as there are more applications to process. It is therefore advisable to planning ahead.

Prepare for your trip by applying for your visa in advance

A visa is a document that gives a foreigner permission to enter a country for a specific period of time. It may take the form of a piece of paper or a stamp affixed to the inside of the passport. While some countries simply require aa valid passportothers impose it.

You should check whether you need a visa before travelling to a country outside Europe. The cost and period of validity of this document depend on the destination. Applications are generally made on the website of the embassy or consulate of the host country, and sometimes at the arrival airport.

Some countries rely on entry permits. This is particularly the case in the United States, where the ESTA form is essential for take a trip on American territory. It must be completed and paid for online no later than 72 hours before the date of departure.

To help you organise your trip even better, you can also think about other preparations that will make your trip as stress-free as possible. For example, if you're leaving from Paris, you may needparking for your car.

Located close to the airport, Class'Park, your car park near Roissyoffers you park your vehicle in an ultra-secure area. You will then be taken to the airport by shuttle. This type of service means you can leave on holiday with peace of mind.

documents needed for a successful trip
Documents needed for a successful trip

Travel insurance

Although it is unusual, subscribing to atravel insurance may be required for entry into certain countries. These include China, Algeria, Russia and Cuba. Although this document is not compulsory in most countries, it is strongly recommended as a precautionary measure. Nobody is immune from accident or illness while abroad.

If you do not have travel insurance, you will be entirely responsible for the costs of any treatment or repatriation. In the event of unforeseen circumstances, this insurance covers most claims. To benefit from good cover, certain guarantees must be included in the contract:

  • medical expenses,
  • hospitalisation costs,
  • repatriation to the country of origin.

Civil liability is another point not to be overlooked. It allows you to cover damage caused to others as a result of an accident.

Organise your healthcare documents

Even if you're in good health, you can still be in for a nasty surprise during your stay abroad. If it involvesa trip to EuropeIf you're looking for a health insurance card, don't hesitate to get one. It gives you easier access to medical care in the countries of the European Union, as well as Switzerland, Liechtenstein, Norway and Iceland.

You must also ensure that your vaccinations are up to date, whatever your destination. The most recommended are those against :

  • whooping cough,
  • tuberculosis,
  • tetanus,
  • poliomyelitis,
  • mumps,
  • rubella,
  • measles,
  • diphtheria.

If you are travelling to a country with unreliable health conditions, other vaccinations may be necessary. These include vaccinations against hepatitis A and B, typhoid and yellow fever.

National and international driving licences

A driving licence is a document that few people think about. But it is essential if you are planning to travel. by car abroad. While a national driving licence is sufficient within the European Union and the Schengen area, this is not necessarily the case outside Europe.

An international driving licence may be required. The application must be made to the prefecture, and the document will be delivered by post. Please note that both licences must be presented abroad. Visit international licence has no value without the national.

As you will have realised, good organisation is essential for a successful trip abroad. Make sure you have your travel documents ready, and prepare everything to avoid unpleasant surprises.

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